Hello! This is my web standards-compliant site, it's not much but it is mine. I devote my life into computer, psychological research, learn integrated web technologies and full time workaholic.
I’m an internet aficionado, front-end web designer, serviceman and technology researcher. I create small computer programs (for practising purposes), graphics, and write nationally published newspaper articles; currently residing in the Gauteng province, South Africa.
I create memes, Facebook overlay covers, pages, and do a lot of networking infrastructures. My friends call me Fϋrstenberg or Orsini-Rosenberg and I enjoy my work...
Well, I'm qualified with a Btech HND in IT (Information Technology) accquired at London School of Business and Management, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems accomplished at Heriot-Watt University [School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences], Edinburg campus (Scotland).
KADIAL FARBEN is a privately-owned trusted corporation devoted to monolithic web services, comprising graphical assistance for public schools. We are not limited to render services to privately owned institutions and primarily deal with Information Technology in particular or as a whole.
We supply dynamic and effective web sites, meaning that we make it possible for all stakeholders of a particular organization to reach information that is accurate (not possible to be altered by any other party besides us and the organization). Several web pages are embedded with resources that are downloadable or can just be viewed with web browsers and that those resources are safe to view or download, they come directly from the institution and each site has a dedicated Resource Centre.
Since we make it possible for all stakeholders of the institution to have the ability to access some of the resources supplied by the institution, this helps with information security and also the prevention of false information because all the information that is necessary is centrally located and serves as a validation check for “rumours”.
We believe it is consistent for stakeholders or visitors of a particular institution to have access to such resources easily instead of educators to send learners necessary files individually to their emails or whatever the file sharing platform may be.
and some graphic design groups such as Facebook Creatives ; also used to own a company called Bluhen Corporation but chose to dissolve it due to partnership complications.
Technologies/Software applied to the entire website:
MySQL (WAMP 2.5)
PHP (WAMP 2.5)
MS Office Powerpoint
Adobe Photoshop CS5
In case you were wondering, I have been running this website for
minutes and
Click here if you wish to do business with me or click or tap here to attain my contact card.
Real education means to inspire people to live abundantly, to learn to begin with life as they find it and ameliorate it.
Destiny has called me to a higher level of maturity, I've also gave up my childhood...I don't and won't reason like I used to. My attitude has totally transmogrified.