Most young people are never interested in youth programs (workshops) at all. In order to enrich the lives of those that aren’t even closer or unable to get access to such information; the programs should be engulfed into the learning system of our government. The program should be a mandatory subject to learners in all South African schools; this type of system can be identical to the modules or concepts that are comprised within The International Youth Foundation. This can be developed by improving how Life Orientation is set; meaning that it can be improved even better than it is thought to be “easier”. Not that it should be difficult but just as challenging as life itself because that is what it is designed to be. We are dealing of a nation where there are quite a number of young parents in high schools, to which some of them never really get appropriate guidance from where they come from. It is an issue that we have to accept to be existing, all these children come from different families, fortunate or less fortunate, it doesn’t matter at all, what matters the most is how to overcome challenges as a single self.
The importance of this is the fact that schools don’t teach people about the fundamentals of life; this is the reason why we can experience so many downfalls for the future of our country; with regards to crime, drug abuse, high school dropouts, and other major drawbacks about our nation. The future is in the hands of the youth and we cannot afford to have a country full of people based on unproductivity and living wrong; this can be traced down as pre-primary school concepts, for example, “don’t take things that do not belong to you”, “wash your hands after coming out from the loo”, etc. All these things are factors that old people still really fail to do, it sounds very imprudent for now but it is the truth. In consideration to this edge, these factors can have meaning or outline part of a strategy to this proposal…
Learners should be trained to:
- Get along with people they associate themselves with;
- How to find and keep a job;
- How to handle conflicts;
- How to become a good parent;
- How to maintain good health;
- How to understand the normal development of a child;
- How to handle financial management;
- How to intuit the meaning of life;
- How to channel positive energy in classrooms or the entire school environment;
And more of such information can be added from social research groups in order to improve the way we tackle such approaches.
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