Forms of Prayer
Authoritative Prayer
Praying with Authority, knowing that the GOD to whom you pray to is YOUR GOD
Combative Prayer - Aggression
Don't be nice to the Devil, fight him, he always fight back; but fight the Spiritual war
Intensive Prayer - Fire
Give force to your Prayers, make it contain meaning, don't say you obvious common prayers
Confrontation Prayer - Boldness
Make sure that the Devil is totally opposed, face him and dismantle him with the Holy Spirit, be brave
Comprehensive Prayer - Focus
Think clearly, understand what you are saying, make sure that spirits understand your command, focus on your request.
Creative Prayer - Faith
Be creative, don't let the devil predict your spoken word, surprise him and disappoint him in every dimension
Decisive Prayer - Conclusive
Finish the prayer, make it official that your queries are met, believe it and have faith in it
Note that the information supplied here is from the author (site owner) and the actual words from the reference were only recorded in audible attributes to which the documents aren’t reachable in the time of documentation/scripting of the information provided herein. Reference to this document is conceived in this website because the initiator of this methodology is not a blogger and does not disseminate his information in social media, who is, by name: Dr. George Jansen.