Quality of Life

The most important thing about living on this earth is the quality of life. People misunderstand this concept with the idea of stashing a lot of money in their bank accounts (which is what most people are totally concerned about these days). The quality of life is more concerned about the individual alone (which is the standard of living); this concept primarily comprises the field of Philanthropy to which the development of societies is taken into consideration by private initiatives; normally multi-billionaires. QOL is more based on the improvement, advancement and development of common needs of societies, such as the development, establishment and improvement of the education sector of a society; it can be a small region, province or the entire country, basically politics. It does not help to die the richest person in the graveyard, but it helps a lot to improve the standard of living. The wars that take place in the world are actually conducted by people with power and characterized with extreme abomination, control, power and evil thoughts. It is not right for some governments to focus on war as their ideal and prominent strategies. If I base this topic on a specific individual then I would be expecting them to be a nice person, which makes my desire to be invalid because powerful people cannot be changed and they’re totally stuck up on their morals; which makes up their complete integrity.

The focus is on inspiring people to not have the thought of imposing their beliefs on other people’s lives. What I mean is that if someone needs serious help, according to me it is not ethical to remind yourself about how you constructed your life upon and learning them on how you want their lives to operate the same path as your sequential process of your challenges. Help them to become better people who should also help other people, the cycle become extensive and can contribute a lot to the economic aspect of the business cycle. Let us help each other so karma can radiate with positive energy; just to make this world a better place for our future generation, regardless of our geographical location because we are all human.

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